
Showing posts from 2019

Mandala fun

Click here to make a  Mandala

YARN lunch Club January

Beginning on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, Grade 4 students are invited to participate in a lunchtime yarn club. The club will be from 11:55 am to 12:55pm. Students can choose from projects such as: finger knitting, cardboard and yarn weaving and knitting with needles (please note you will need to provide your own knitting needles if you would like to work on this project.) Yarn will be provided, however if you would like a particular colour or type of yarn to work with, please also bring that with you. The dates for yarn club are: January 8, 2020 January 15, 2020 January 22, 2020 January 29, 2020 We are only able to accept 20 children. to participate please CLICK HERE for the permission form.

Hearts for the homeless

Good afternoon parents, Our school is currently accepting donations for the heart for homeless campaign ran by the mustard seed. If you would like to donate any items CLICK HERE For a list of acceptable/required items. Thanks


We are currently getting towards the end of our addition unit and will be beginning on Multiplication next. It is important to practice these as much as possible as it is expected that students can recall multiplication fact up to 7x7 and understand how to use multiple strategies to solve up to 9x9. Times Table Facts TRICKS :) The Tricks - Every multiplication has a twin, which may be easier to remember. For example if you forget 8×5, you might remember 5×8. This way, you only have to remember half the table. ​ Trick for 2 times:  -  add the number to itself (example 2×9 = 9+9) Trick for 5 times: -  the last digit goes 5, 0, 5, 0, ...                                   - is always half of 10× (Example: 5x6 = half of 10x6 = half of 60 = 30) Trick for 6 times: -  when you multiply 6 by an even number, they both end in the same digit.         ...

Winter concert

Winter Concert Info – 2019, Copperfield School Kindergarten Thursday, December 19 at 8:45am and 12:45pm Kindergarten students will be performing mini-concerts during the day on Thursday, Dec. 19th. The morning classes will perform in the gym at 8:45am and the afternoon classes will perform at 12:45pm. Families are welcome to attend. Grade 1-4 Students Similar to last year, we are double casting the winter concert. Below is the list of when each class performs. Because of fire regulations and gym capacity, it is imperative that only immediate family (parents, siblings) attend the evening shows! We are counting on the honour system for this to work, and hoping it won’t be necessary to start ticketing student concerts. Grandparents and other family members are welcome to come to the dress rehearsal show during the day. If you have several children at our school and their performances do not fall on the same night, we ask that you chose one night to come. The show is the same b...

Make a difference posters

Waste in our world posters

Field trip next Wednesday.

We are going on our first field trip on Wednesday and its looking like it will be cold. We are outdoors for some of the day and it is vital that all students are dressed appropriately before they will be aloud board the bus. We ask that they also bring a water bottle and packed lunch for the day. Here is a safety guide that was provided by Fish Creek -->    Safety Guide  <--

Math strategies

➕➗MATH− ✖ Complementry number trick single digit addition Complementry number trick double digit addition Complementry number trick three digits:

Science lesson

Watch video: Take notes on the video What does this video aim to teach people? What did you learn? Who's responsibility is this? Have discussion with at least one adult in your house to see what they know and think about this issue and what they would like done about it. List 5 ways we can decrease our plastic waste.


For Halloween this year I am hoping to have a spooky story party. The kids are working hard on creating these stories in class. To make this day work we would be looking for some donations in the form of fruit, meat or veg tray, microwave popcorn and some shareable treats (not too many though, as they will get enough trick or treating)  

Fish Creek field trip Nov 13th

Hi parents our first field trip is coming up quickly (Nov 13th). To be able to go on this trip we need some volunteers to help us out on the day. Field trip forms Acknowledgment of risk Payment form Volunteer form

waste in our world

Click here  if that doesn't work:

Playground official grand opening

This Thursday evening is our new playgrounds grand opening. your child should have come home with this invitation and RSVP info. It should be a great night for the community to come together. If you are attending the school would like students to please wear their Copperfield school shirts if they have one. Thanks

Room Parent

Good Afternoon everyone. Thank you to families that came to see me last week. It was great to be able to jump on the same page and create positive, achievable goals for the students. During the conferences I asked parents who are able to volunteer time and/or donate goods for class activities to sign up on a sheet of paper I had. I understand most of you have full time job commitments and cannot do this. Unfortunately my list of names is quite short. So please let me know via email, if you are willing to have your name added to this list. I am also asking if there is anyone who would like to take on the role of being a room parent for the class. This would involve you making an email list of all the volunteers and trying to get help when needed for field trips or in class special events which will be emailed to you ahead of time by myself. I hope to here from some of you so we can have a fun year and be able to go on some great field trips.

Vermiculture Research

Vermiculture discovery. Answer the questions using only these websites: 1.      What is Vermiculture?   2.      What are some of the benefits of vermicomposting? 3.      How does it help the environment? 4.      What worms are best used for vermiculture? 5.      How long do these worms live for? 6.      What foods can you feed to the worms? 7.      What should not be fed to the...


If you would like your child to participate in this years choir CLICK HERE for form

Conferences this Thursday and Friday

Hello Parents, As you all know Thursday is a half day due to parent teacher conferences. Please remember to sign up for a time to come speak with me on Thursday afternoon/evening or Friday morning. Login to your MyCBE  account look for conferences and book an available time.

Change to our morning entry

Good evening parents and students of 140, We are trialling some new entry and playground routines before and after school to try alleviate the congestion currently occurring. We (our class) will now be entering the school on the opposite side of the school at Door B. Door B is at the staff carpark so we will meet near the grassy area by the bike rack between door B & C. Playground We are so excited that we have the playground open and ready for us to enjoy. With a new playground come some changes to support entry and exit into the school. To help support the space around the playground and keeping everyone safe at Copperfield School, we are putting a schedule in place for the mornings before school. This will help ease congestion and supervision of the students on the playground. Playground Schedule (8:10am-8:25am) K- Friday 1- Thursday 2- Wednesday 3- Tuesday 4- Monday We appreciate your support in helping us communicate and employ this schedule with your studen...

This years homework expectations

Hello Parents and students, I will not be sending home homework with students this year unless it is an assignment or is unfinished classwork. I DO however have some homework for my students to do!!! For every school night I expect my students to spend  some time (approx 20mins of reading/active use time) on either Raz Kids, Mathletics or Prodigy.  Please take some time with your child to look over my resource page, there are links to all of these website and much much more! I will be sending home login cards as soon as I have them available. RAZ KIDS is read to go!!! Login/Teacher ID: tdunlop0 Password is your students first and last name initials. (3 letters for hyphenated last names) EG. Mine would be: TD Let me know if you have any issues.

Welcome Grade 4's 2019/20

Hello Parents, Sorry I has taken me so long to post on here this year. To cut a long story short I have too many passwords and have to change them too regularly and could get into my blog. It has been an exciting first week in Room 140 and we are starting to develop a more set routine and are beginning to become more aware of, and follow our classrooms expectations. Throughout the year I will try keep you updated on important date and event happening in our class and school. For example today was the first day we were able to use our brand new playground which I am sure you have already heard all about. Next Thursday and Friday is our first Parent Teacher where we will be able to meet and discuss some goals for this year. I look forward to meeting you all. Please keep an eye on this blog throughout the year.

Wheel week

Families, its finally heating up so next week is “Wheel Week”! Time to get back in shape after another long winter. We would like to encourage as many students who can, to walk, to ride their bikes, to ride their scooters, or to rollerblade to school every day next week!  We will be keeping track in each class to see how many students are choosing active transportation to get to school!  Please remember that when wheeling, that it is important to wear a helmet!  Thank you for your support! And we look forward to seeing all the wheels next week ☺

DMC Field Trip

I am hearing a lot of people are having trouble with finding these forms so here they are again. DMC Field Trip Permission Form Need forms no later than Friday 31st of May. If you would like to volunteer to help walk over to DMC and back please let me know.

Grade four Celebration

Grade Four Farewell Celebration Invite  If you would like to help out with this celebration please check out the volunteer opportunities below.  

Calgary Library and Calgary reads field trip.

Happy weekend everyone. Thanks to those that came in on Friday to the celebration of learning. On Monday please be prepared for Coppercade games to be coming home after school. This maybe tricky for some as they are too large to carry and may need some help. We have one last field trip this year on the 12th of July. Hopefully we get much better weather than our previous field trip (It was really cold). If you get a chance in the summer revisiting the Bar U Ranch could be a great family outing on a warmer day. This upcoming field trip will be downtown in Calgary where we will visit the new Calgary Library as well as the Calgary reads children's reading place in Inglewood. We will be walking between these two places. It will be another great way to find some ideas for productive things to do during these summer holidays. Calgary Reads & Calgary Central Library Field Trip Form Trip Itinerary We will need 5 volunteers to come along with us so if you are available, pleas...

Human sexuality class

On June 3rd we will be commencing our first installments of the Grade 4 Human sexuality curriculum. This covers gender identity and potential changes that will occur throughout puberty.  The program aims to enable students to make well informed, healthy choices and to develop behaviours that contribute to the wellbeing of self and others. If you would like to see exactly what is involved in these lesson look here  for the lesson plans I will be following. Lesson 1: Puberty changes  Lesson 2: Coping with puberty  Please read the information in this link  Human sexuality lessons parent information You only need to return page 3 You only need to return form if you would like special arrangements other than these classes.