This years homework expectations

Hello Parents and students,
I will not be sending home homework with students this year unless it is an assignment or is unfinished classwork.

I DO however have some homework for my students to do!!!

For every school night I expect my students to spend some time

(approx 20mins of reading/active use time)

on either Raz Kids, Mathletics or Prodigy. 

Please take some time with your child to look over my resource page, there are links to all of these website and much much more!

I will be sending home login cards as soon as I have them available.

RAZ KIDS is read to go!!!
Login/Teacher ID: tdunlop0
Password is your students first and last name initials. (3 letters for hyphenated last names)
EG. Mine would be: TD
Let me know if you have any issues.


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