Jan 2020

 Happy new years everyone!
Get to see everyone is back safe and surviving this terrible weather.
We're back into the swing of things in room 140. Multiplication is becoming easier and we have begun to look at 2 digit multiplication. We have a school wide focus on perseverance this year and we have been taking a deeper look into what perseverance is, what it looks like and what skills you need to develop to make it a habit. In L/A we have been discussing persuasive writing through debate topics and arguing a point of view with facts not feelings. We have moved on from our historical view of Alberta and the first nations and are now looking at the unique aspects of where we live and our location in this world/Canada. This will lead into discussing Alberta's Regions: Grasslands, Foothills, Rocky Mountains, Boreal Forest, Parklands and the Canadian Shield.
We are currently learning about light and shadow in science and will be learning through hands on play to understand what light is different sources of light, the light spectrum ROYGBIV and how lenses, reflection, refraction, the eye and shadows are used in our world and how they work.
It will be a busy start to the year. 


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