New grade 4 Entry starting Monday

Hi Parents and students,
As you are all aware we have fencing positioned around our school and will unfortunately be getting even more fencing after the city decided to begin work on the soccer field. This means that we will not have access to the field while they are working. Due to this and the current congestion on the compound the grade fours have been asked to relocate their entry to door C which is beside the staff carpark. Starting Monday morning we will be entering through door C. The hope is that the fences closet to the school will disappear ASAP and we can return to the door we have been using so far. This is an inconvenience for us all I assure you but we don't have much say in the matter so we appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

On Monday Sept 17th All grade 4 classes will be entering through door C (Next to the staff carpark) 


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