Hello parents and classmates

We did it!!! We are here and back to learning in Grade 4. We had a great first week and have worked to get comfortable in our class and with each other. There is a positive vibe in our room and I expect great things will happen throughout this year. We are currently learning how to become more positive and have a growth mindset to learn and develop effectively. We have looked at the power of gratitude, our responsibilities in & around our class and will be looking deeper into this years over arching question: What does it mean to be a great leader?

We have been revising our understanding of who we are and where we come from in both Math (Math about me) Art (Outside me) and looking at Canadian provinces with a closer focus on Alberta still to come.

I am grateful for our new class and look forward to seeing all the growth that will occur this year.
If you are willing and able to help out in the classroom or for field trips please let me know and ensure you're security clearance is still valid. We would love your help and support in any way you can.

This year I will not be sending a lot of paper homework home as I have set up each student with accounts in Raz kids, Mathletics and a new resource that the kids love which is called prodigy. These are fantastic resources that are apart of my homework expectations. 1 hour per night on these sites.
Please refer to my resource tab to take advantage of even more extra curricular activities and links.

If you need to contact me or would like to receive a phone call feel free to send me an email and ill try my best to get back to you ASAP my email is: tadunlop@cbe.ab.ca 

This is also a new blogging system for me and its taking me a while to figure it all out, so thank you for your patience. 


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