Some important class info

Winter Walk Day new date is Wednesday, February 13th, if it is WARM ENOUGH!  Let's think warm thoughts!

Valentine's - a few students have asked.  If you choose to bring Valentines, be sure to include one for everyone!  You can see your classmates' names by signing in to Raz Kids!  This is optional.  We have a total of 25 students.  We will be having Friendship activities that morning.  

We have decided to support Pawsitive Match, animal charity as part of our Entrepreneurial Adventure, (creating a class business) for our Learning Partnership with BMO.  Our partners for BMO came today. KIDS LEARNED ABOUT BEING A LEADER AND FILLING OUT A 'job' APPLICATION IN CLASS TODAY.  REMEMBER APPLICATIONS ARE DUE TUESDAY, February 19th!

Telus Spark Field Trip is February 20th!  Please come with appropriate outdoor clothing, as we may go outside and play in their park during lunch.  Also you need a lunch, snack and water bottle.  

Parents you are all welcome to come look at the playground renderings and choices we have to make regarding the new playground, Come have your voice be heard in the creation of our new playground. This will be held at the school on the evening of Thursday Feb 21st at 6pm-7pm. Hope to see some of you there.

Reminders of Important Dates (please refer to school website for official updates) - 
Wednesday, February 13 - Early Dismissal
Thursday, February 14 - No School - Teachers' Convention
Friday, February 15 - No School - Teachers' Convention
Monday, February 18 - No School - Family Day
Tuesday, February 19 - Learning Partnership 'job' applications due (only if you are interested in a leadership role)
Wednesday, February 20 - Telus Spark Field Trip
Thursday, February 21 - Playground Night from 6 - 7 pm


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